Comprehensive Food Safety Training for Food Service

Pengenalan Kursus

Comprehensive food safety training for food service is a vital aspect of the food industry, designed to ensure the health and well-being of consumers while maintaining the reputation and success of food service establishments. This training equips food service professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to handle, prepare, and serve food in a safe and hygienic manner.

Food safety and hygiene are closely related to the production of quality food products in food service businesses as they help protect customers’ health, maintain a good reputation, comply with legal requirements, and prevent food waste, all of which indirectly impact the profitability of the business.

By implementing proper food safety and hygiene practices, businesses can ensure that their products are consistent, have a longer shelf life, comply with regulations, result in fewer customer complaints, and can be traced to their origin. This training is essential for reducing the risk of illness and protecting employees, consumers, and your business.

Food safety is a top priority in the food service industry due to the potential risks associated with foodborne illnesses. Ensuring that food is safe to consume is not only a legal requirement but also a moral and ethical responsibility. Comprehensive food safety training plays a crucial role in achieving these objectives for the following reasons:

Public Health: Foodborne illnesses can have serious health consequences. Proper food safety practices are essential to prevent the spread of pathogens and contaminants that can cause illnesses.

Consumer Confidence: Safe food handling practices instill trust and confidence in customers. Establishments that prioritize food safety are more likely to retain their customers and maintain a positive reputation.

Legal Compliance: Food service establishments are subject to strict regulations and standards related to food safety. Compliance with these regulations is not optional but a legal requirement.

Cost Savings: Proper food safety training reduces the risk of foodborne outbreaks and potential lawsuits. It also minimizes food waste resulting from mishandling or contamination.

Comprehensive food safety training is an ongoing process, and food service professionals often need to renew their certifications regularly. By investing in this training, food service establishments demonstrate their commitment to ensuring the safety of the food they serve and contribute to building a safer and more trustworthy food service industry.

Tempoh Latihan


Bahasa Digunakan

Bahasa Malaysia or English

Pilihan Latihan


Kandungan Kursus

  • Introduction to Food Safety & Management System
  • Foodborne Illness
  • Personal Hygiene of food handler
  • Design & Facilities of Food Premises & Equipment
  • Cleaning & Sanitizing
  • Food safety training
  • Food Contamination & Factors of Cross & Contact – Contamination
  • Good Food Safety Practices: Receiving, Storage, Prepare, Display & Transportation of food products / Non – food products
  • Pest Control
  • Food Safety Self-Inspections, Traceability & Handling Customer Complaint.
  • Documentation & Record
  • Summary

Hasil Pembelajaran

By the end of this training, learners will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of food safety and hygiene
  • Summarize legal responsibilities of food handlers and food business operators
  • Minimize / prevent cross contamination
  • Apply GMP/GHP practices in the food premise
  • Understand how food can become contaminated (and other types of food contamination)
  • Know about potentially hazardous foods (also called high-risk foods) (exp: Food Allergen)
  • Understand the causes of food-borne illness (bacteria, toxins, viruses)
  • Know how to safely store, thaw, prepare, cook, and serve food
  • Know how to effectively clean and sanitize surfaces, equipment, dishes, and utensils
  • Understand the importance of personal hygiene and appropriate behavior in the workplace


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Siapa Yang Patut Menghadiri Kursus Ini?

Entry level positions in food service (Hotel, café, restaurant, catering) such as Kitchen Staff, Service Crew, Production Operators, Management

Penyedia Latihan Berdaftar & Bertauliah


  • FSSC 22000 V5.1/ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor
  • Vocational Training Officer (VTO)
  • TTT HRCD (Exempted) Certified Trainer
  • Certified Halal Executive by Halal Professional Board (HPB)
  • Certified Food Handler Trainer by MOH
  • Vocational Training Officer (VTO – Massage Therapy & Beautician)
  • Certified Practitioner by the Council of Traditional and Contemporary Medicine (2021)
  • Certified Internal Halal Auditor by HPB

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